Sleep Can Save Your Relationships: Preparing for Date Nights with Peace of Mind

Date nights and times for connection are an absolute must for parents.

Sleep is an absolute must for babies so they go hand in hand right?

To anyone thinking…not for me.

Let me show you how it’s absolutely possible for you. After all, loving life, being kinder to your partner and loving towards your child depends on how rested you are and how we you feel!

Here are 3 things you need to do when planning a night out (and what to tell the babysitter):


  1. Maintain Consistent Routine: Keep your baby's routine unchanged to provide familiarity and comfort. If you're not putting the baby to bed yourself, ensure the caregiver knows the bedtime routine well. Consistency is key to avoiding bedtime battles and ensuring a relaxed bedtime experience.

  2. Provide Clear Guidelines: Give the babysitter or caregiver clear instructions on what to expect and how to handle any nighttime wake-ups. Share your typical response and reassure them that occasional noises are normal for babies and don't always require intervention.

  3. Foster Independent Sleep Skills: Ensure your little one can self-soothe and settle back to sleep independently during the night. Practice these skills beforehand to build confidence in your baby's ability to sleep soundly without constant intervention.

Bonus Step: Hand over the monitor and relax! Check in as needed for peace of mind, but trust that your well-prepared baby and capable caregiver have everything under control.

If you find yourself overwhelmed every night, battling bedtime, and the thought of hiring a babysitter feels impossible, it’s time to get sleep resolved for good.

Book a free call to explore solutions and take proactive steps toward better sleep for the whole family.

Don't let sleep struggles hold you back from enjoying quality time out or even just quiet time together at home after the baby is in bed 🫶🏽

Sleep can change your life and save your relationships.