3 Ways To Manage Toddler Requests At Bedtime

Everyone is exhausted at bedtime, except for your child who seems to resist sleep with every bit of energy they have left.

Meanwhile, you feel completely drained and bedtime feels never-ending as you are worn down by a determined little one who insists on having "just one more book, hug, question, glass of water."

What can be done in this situation?

Let's break it down:

Your child adores being with you, playing, and soaking up your attention. Bedtime, on the other hand, is like a dull and unexciting task for them. They'd rather skip it to avoid missing out on all the fun. It's a classic case of FOMO - the fear of missing out.

During this age and stage, children are on a journey of asserting their independence and realizing their own identity. It's no surprise that tantrums and power struggles become more frequent after the age of two. When you throw in the exhaustion factor, it's a perfect storm for meltdowns. And let's face it, as a parent, your patience is wearing thin by bedtime, making it a challenging situation with lots of back-and-forth to bed and tears all around.

It's important to remember that bedtime is just like any other boundary we set for our kids, such as not running into the street. The only difference is that it comes at the end of a long day when exhaustion can impact how well we regulate our emotions. This makes it extra tough to maintain boundaries at this time, and for kids, it's when they're most likely to push back against them.

Want to avoid bedtime requests?

The secret is having a solid plan for them!

Trying to figure out a response in the moment always backfires.

Having discussions about expectations after bedtime only drags out the routine, gets your child more riled up, delaying sleep onset and sets the stage for a repeat performance next time. That kind of attention should be given before, not after, bedtime to avoid unnecessary delays.

Here are 3 ways to manage a toddlers endless requests at bedtime:

1. Anticipate requests and build those into your bedtime routine.

2. Make sure that bedtime is at the right time. Timing is everything and overtired or undertired is the biggest culprit for bedtime battles. Get free schedules here

3. Set clear expectations and boundaries. Learn how here

If your child can’t fall asleep without you in the room, we are looking at a bigger issue that requires you to choose a strategy to follow.

Having a bedtime plan tailored to your child's temperament is crucial, so it's important to think ahead and be prepared to fully commit to it.

If you're struggling with bedtime routines, I'm here to help you create a plan and provide the support you need for a smooth and stress-free bedtime experience. With Your Dream Plan Toddler, you'll have all the tools and strategies necessary to help your little one sleep independently and confidently, avoiding bedtime struggles and disruptions.

Talk to me about getting help with your toddler or pre-schoolers sleep HERE.