Two exhausted parents at our wits end!

By the time Max turned six months old, he was having only 30 minute naps in his crib. We were doing tons of assisted naps - in the crib and the stroller - no rest for us.

We were dealing with multiple night wakings, multiple night feeds. The biggest thing was the lack of predictability or consistency! We were struggling! We didn’t know how to correct what was wrong!

Your Dream Plan has been a game changer for us.

Working with Lily and Jen, they helped us create a schedule and a detailed plan on how to get Max on a sleep schedule that worked for all of us.

We worked on making sure he got the right amount of daytime sleep, and with that the nighttime sleep got better and better!

We started getting longer and longer stretches, as Max also learned to soothe himself back to sleep.

We thought he’d never be able to do it, but it has fallen into place!

Once the nights got better, the naps followed quickly behind. The Your Dream Plan Program gave us a specific plan that laid everything out for us.

The Facebook group and the coaching calls were invaluable. We asked plenty of questions and got answers back so quickly!

It’s incredible how much our sleep story has changed!

Before we were tired and stressed, and now we are all benefitting from the improvement. We went from having multiple night wakings, and now we have almost 12 hour stretches at night.

We went from Max hanging on to his third nap with all his might, and the Your Dream Plan helped us smoothly transition to two naps.

Max naps like a champ now!

I wouldn’t change a thing about this program. The set up of the YDP program worked so well for us!

Lily and Jen have been an invaluable resource! Thank you so much!

-Kathryn, mom of 6 month old Max.