How to go from bed-sharing/Co-sleeping to sleeping in a crib at any age- 5 easy ways to start

Are you finding yourself stuck with a tiny human inhabiting your bed?

Maybe you reactively brought them in, hoping to get at least SOME sleep or it was the better option for you at the time and now you are ready to transition them to their own crib.

If you are a parent wanting to go from bed-sharing to having their baby/toddler sleeping in their own crib, this can seem like one of the hardest transitions ever but I assure you it’s 100% achievable.

Bed-sharing vs. Co-sleeping- co-sleeping refers to sleeping in the same room, bed-sharing in the same bed.

Whether you choose to have your little one in the same room (co-sleeping) or in their own room both are okay, what’s important is that they have their own sleep space and that it’s safe.

Other benefits of having your baby in their own sleep space- other than they are not kicking you in the ribs all night are:

  • It’s safer and reduces the risk of SIDS. The AAP safe sleep guidelines state that babies should co-sleep (share a room) but not bed-share citing the risk of suffocation, SIDS and other sleep-related deaths.

  • Babies and parents’ quality of sleep is better and longer.

  • Decreases family and marital stress.

  • Helps your child learn to sleep independently without relying on your assistance and presence.

**Having said this, each family is different and parents should make their own informed decision on what is best for them and their family.

So for those wanting to make a change, here are 5 ways to start moving from bed-sharing (dependence on parent beside them) to independent sleep:

  1. Wean night feeds- separate feeding from sleep. Babies that bed-share are often also feeding multiple times at night. We want to start re-settling without feeding and feeding wide awake, not in the bed. Separation the two doesn’t mean you have to wean feeds all together. Just that they are dependent on each other. Here are 5 Steps to weaning night feeds.

  2. Separate sleep space but stay close if you need to at first. However you slice it, you’re going to have to change the association. The only way to do this is sleep training -which simply means ways to change association and re-directing it to sleeping independently. This can be done in many ways and we can make changes slowly having you close by or faster but still calming and comforting. You do not have to do CIO (cry it out).

  3. Spend time in their new sleep space- Your bedtime routine should be done in the room your little one will sleep in. During the day play a fun activity in the room, we want your baby’s room to be a safe space and help your baby get nice, relaxes and ready for sleep.

  4. Set expectations for toddlers - at this age they understand, so communicate with them expectation as much as possible. Set some bedtime rules, role play expectations and follow through. This can be the hard part so having a sleep plan that everyone is on board with (including the toddler) is going to be important in holding those boundaries and knowing what to do with every push back. Get a plan and support here: Your Dream Plan - Toddler

  5. Always be consistent in your response. Our little ones learn through repetition, patterns and consistency. Your response every time is important. You need to be consistent and have a plan for how to respond that feels comfortable to you. You also always want to be responsive but not reactive (I teach you how to do this and what to look out for inside my full support program YOUR DREAM PLAN).

In the end, we ultimately have to realize that parent guilt (mom guilt) does not mean you are doing something wrong. You will feel guilt about everything and it’s something that does not in anyway reflect on you. It’s insecurities we carry with us, thoughts we tell ourselves that are not true. So whatever, you decide - you are a fantastic parent.

The gift of sleep and having your baby be able to sleep on their own can really transform your family dynamics, mood and overall happiness.

If you are ready, don’t hesitate. I will help you every step of the way. We will get you a plan that works for your baby and your family.

We can make sure we are setting your little one up for success in this transition. Let me guide you, I don’t want it to be harder than it needs to be.

Book a free call with me and we can discuss xx